“Moving Mother”

Today is the first day of my blog. Wow. I intend to share things that percolate — that I think will either entertain, thrill, move you, or make you go hmmm.

Here’s a poem I wrote just now with Lily:

“Moving Mother”

When I go get the take-out food, the restaurant owner asks for my daughter. “We miss her,” they tell me.

I know. Because they are speaking of my heart. And even after moments away, I miss her too.

And when we are apart I leap with joy. Freedom. Freedom! What can I accomplish?

And now that we are reunited I can’t recall anything else.

Is it a trance? Is it a dance? Is it a sure-fire way to eclipse my own ambitious stance?

A mother told me yesterday “It’s hard.” “What is? Which part of parenting?” I asked

“It’s all hard.” And she said that while laughing. Happy. Exhausted. Luminous.

Is that what hard looks like when you are a Moving Mother?

What do you think?

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