Is it a good idea to make a New Year’s resolution?
(Lily drew this picture of me New Year’s Eve)
Really, it depends on whether it energizes you to make a resolution. Does a resolution help you? Then do it! Resolutions can give us a sense we are in control. We can control our own actions (sometimes) and that can feel reassuring. But…whatever gives you energy is the way to go.
Here are some things that may give you more energy:
More self-care
Relating with people you love
Having your life purpose clear and reflected back you
Making a difference and impact on the world
Knowing you and your efforts matter
And, considering this incredibly difficult year, you just may need to be in a state of self-preservation right now. That’s understandable and enough.
Truly, anytime is a good time to check in and look at what we are creating, whether consciously or not, and make an intention that works for us.
Here’s a prompt to play with if you want to do some resolution setting: